Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cupid's Arrow: Assange Edition

I'm in the new place less than a month and get the sage advice "Try OkCupid. Trust me on this, if just to explore and meet people." I'm ready to explore this town, am an arts guy of the someone-else-performing variety, and frankly those are better for dates, anyway.

Sold. However..

As some of you may also know, the gift of self-promotion is not one that I possess. I don't have the sales gene, and while I can bluster on about anything other than me, it's immediately all manage-expectations the second the spotlight flips on. I've already come to terms with the fact that I will probably be mired forever in a lower middle class slot despite all my obvious other gifts, and after signing up on the site, form followed that all I got was crickets. I mean, I've had people drop by, but crickets, not that I've been trying that hard. In other words, it would probably be best to turn to Julian Assange.

Yes, That Julian Assange. The one with the crazy face and white thinning warlock hair. Rat lips. Who in a photo in The New Yorker looked like the albino from Foul Play.

But apparently he had some success. Or at least the bombast to pull off a ... memorable profile. And since I'm not looking to go all Charlie from "It's Always Sunny...," this is probably the best place to start.

Hence, Julian Assange, let's use you as a muse. Or rather, template.

His summary:
WARNING: Want a regular, down to earth guy? Keep moving. I am not the droid you're looking for. Save us both while you still can.

Passionate, and often pig headed activist intellectual seeks siren for love affair, children and occasional conspiracy.

Such a woman should [be] spirited and playful, of high intelligence, though not necessarily formally educated, have spunk, class & inner strength and be able to think strategically about the world and the people she cares about.

I like women from countries that have sustained political turmoil. Western culture seems to forge women that are valueless and inane. OK. Not only women!

Although I am pretty intellectually and physically pugnacious I am very protective of women and children.

I am DANGER, ACHTUNG, and ?????????????

Okay, so I get the charm. A self-deprecating geek with a semi-messianic complex. Or at least a good deal of chauvinism. I can deal with that. It's almost me.

My turn.

Self summary:
MANUFACTURER'S NOTE: Want a slightly deranged, delusional, needy prick who is simply looking for friends to suck the life out of? Well that's not here (and that baggage is merely a flesh wound). I am a droid. Maybe even the one you're looking for.

Dispassionate whiskey-swiller, the antithesis of everything that is hipster fresh in the news, is seeking a harpy for which to engage in smattering unflattering conversation, maybe an affair and to laugh at someone else's criminal children.

Such a woman [should] be quasi-spiritual -- but not in a batshit crazy way -- not be afraid to pay for dates, and be completely comfortable with the finer contradictions of The Irresponsible Self. She should also be a classy woman who says "Fuck" a lot, and will incorporate that and the "c" word into her existential novel about a small white girl coming of age on antarctic McMurdo Station.

Do I need a woman who travels? Not so much, as traveling seems to bring out the greatest pretension in Western Civilization. But being stuck in a city like New York does seem to bring out the whole hen-roost thing, too. Okay. Maybe not just women.

Although at heart I can come across as physically and intellectually truculent, really I'm just the Rolo that sealed your pocket shut.

I do like to control the HORIZONTAL. And MAYBE even the vertical.



And there. Now I feel like I need to bathe, shower, and be nervous about my previously printed "Registered Sex Offender" T-shirts.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Adventures in Gluhwein

I remember last year around this time I was trying to track down a bottle of Gluhwein. More specifically, this shit, which in a more sentimental mood I would say was a remnant of my youth. What it was really was was a succumbing to the quintessential New York laziness (read: I don't care how valuable your time is, outsourcing is never worth that time you might lose watching post-Simon American Idol). And also a fear of failure in attempting to make it.

To describe this concoction, imagine the most disgusting wine you've ever had, cut with every bit of bitter and sour you could throw in. Then add sugar. And serve warm. Believe me, it's delicious. As in, the human capacity for poison takes a backseat to this type of deliciousness. To further describe this concoction, it's the essence of the Yuletide season: complex to the spice, sweet to the innocuous, and heated to make the days linger and die in the ways there were meant to be spent, drunk, mit zucre und zimt.

I will be attempting this shortly. My attempt will involve something like this:

* eine Flasche trockener Rotwein (750 ml)
* eine Zitrone
* 2 Stangen Zimt
* 3 Gewürznelken
* 3 Esslöffel Zucker
* etwas Kardamom (oder Ingwer)

Den Rotwein in einem Topf erhitzen (nicht kochen). Die Zitrone in Scheiben schneiden und hinzufügen. Dann Zimt, Nelken, Zucker und etwas Kardamom (nach belieben) dazugeben. Alles etwa 5 Minuten erwärmen - nicht kochen - und etwa eine Stunde ziehen lassen. Vor dem Servieren nochmals erwärmen, durch ein Sieb abgießen, in vorgewärmten Gläsern oder Bechern servieren.

Now, in further huckster-ish fashion, "On to the pretty girl!":