And now:
1) I'm wondering what exactly it is that makes the average credit-cum-loan-cum-populist-babble radio post sound like the babbling of a semi-coherent homeless guy on a Sunday afternoon 4. What I'm thinking is that ad agencies, in lieu of hiring somewhat competent writers or, say, all-smiles-and-teeth communications professionals, they've taken to outsourcing to the shelters.
From the radio:
Are you tired of all the bailout loans going to poor people, while you're struggling to pay your mortgage?
From the 4:
...and in this time of bailouts, and I know you're struggling with mortgages and putting the kids through college...
Frankly, I'm thinking this might be the best Madison Avenue idea in years. Except for the throwdown steel-cage jello-wrestling Superbowl throwdown. I might have just made that up.
2) I might have found a god shot (and please, no comments on the lack of a definitive article). On Friday, I took the walk -- nay, I say, adventure and or safari -- through the mildly alienistic nyc shtetl of South Williamsburg. Nothing against it, nothing all that odd although I felt I needed a tazer or at the very least raw bacon to hold off the legions in the odd case that somebody recognized that the indentation on my head was in fact a result of age and thinning hair than, say, a yamulke, but walk I did. Forward, forthright, foolhardily, but I moved. And I stumbled on, in this little nook of an area, on Bedford between the tiny little shopfaces and squee and cutesy mopeds, Oslo.
I will not rate Oslo. I will say the shot here (and when I say I speak specifically of the Bedford Ave. location, not to be confused with the straight-from-the-strip-mall Roebling location -- I had one there as well and it was not as good) -- I will say that, apart from being a darker roast than I usually like, might have been near espresso perfection. I will say that it was, not to bore with details, but it was: spicy, creamy, caramely and in-your-face, sweet, slight dry, bold, kick-you-in-the-teeth brash and fuck-you-in-the-face wonderful. Yes, it was that good. It might have just been a thing of skill, but it was that good.
3) The original 3 has been deleted, and was much more entertaining and provocative. Enjoy this photo (courtesy of the Billyburg excursion)L