This will be a short one. A few notes:
1) is anybody else tickled that, when they open up the spam folder in gmail, the ads at the top of the screen display recipes for the canned-mystery-meat-and-congealed-salt-lick of its namesake (i.e., spam)?
2) The story was happily completed on Saturday, although to be frank, I wish I had a chance to revise yet again. But in the way that only a week's worth of sitting time could have allowed. Final word count: around 2,050 words.
3) When I was a younger lad, about the age off 22, I was sitting at a restaurant bar in Columbia, Md., waiting on a friend to get off work. A man of African descent asks me if I'd ever "Played the Jones," which he went on to explain was essentially the "Your momma" series of jokes and that he wouldn't expect a pasty white boy like myself to know it, so no hard feelings. I looked this up recently on Urban Dictionary -- apparently it involves a crack habit. So I can't vouch for its fealty, but it's something that's bugged me.
UPDATE: In the course of writing this post, I discovered the proper spelling. "Joans." On the link, definition one. Damn, I'm white.