I remember last year around this time I was trying to track down a bottle of Gluhwein. More specifically, this shit, which in a more sentimental mood I would say was a remnant of my youth. What it was really was was a succumbing to the quintessential New York laziness (read: I don't care how valuable your time is, outsourcing is never worth that time you might lose watching post-Simon American Idol). And also a fear of failure in attempting to make it.
To describe this concoction, imagine the most disgusting wine you've ever had, cut with every bit of bitter and sour you could throw in. Then add sugar. And serve warm. Believe me, it's delicious. As in, the human capacity for poison takes a backseat to this type of deliciousness. To further describe this concoction, it's the essence of the Yuletide season: complex to the spice, sweet to the innocuous, and heated to make the days linger and die in the ways there were meant to be spent, drunk, mit zucre und zimt.
I will be attempting this shortly. My attempt will involve something like this:
* eine Flasche trockener Rotwein (750 ml)
* eine Zitrone
* 2 Stangen Zimt
* 3 Gewürznelken
* 3 Esslöffel Zucker
* etwas Kardamom (oder Ingwer)
Den Rotwein in einem Topf erhitzen (nicht kochen). Die Zitrone in Scheiben schneiden und hinzufügen. Dann Zimt, Nelken, Zucker und etwas Kardamom (nach belieben) dazugeben. Alles etwa 5 Minuten erwärmen - nicht kochen - und etwa eine Stunde ziehen lassen. Vor dem Servieren nochmals erwärmen, durch ein Sieb abgießen, in vorgewärmten Gläsern oder Bechern servieren.
Now, in further huckster-ish fashion, "On to the pretty girl!":
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