That was day one. Not any debauched party replete with hookers, strippers, lawn gnomes and marmots and/or ferrets. No, I played with a dirty, stopped up sink.
I am going to leave now, let the chemicals work their magic. Or sit and eat at the porcelain.
Debauched, chemical-hued stories to come (probably from the fumes now permeating the suite). The scent of failure has never smelled so...heady and bleachy? The room smells like coffee made from pool water. As in swimming pool.
So apparently, during the writing of this post, the drain found itself to be responsive and subsequently, well, drained. As of yet, there are no reports of wet tracks on the wall below, the wall in the kitchen. Score one for 1970s and $40-worth of domestic technology. And if it does end up in the kitchen that will make for some interesting meatballs. I'll keep you posted.
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